Saturday, November 13, 2010

I love a good bargain

I have enjoyed over the last year getting some really good deals by clipping coupons, pairing them with store sales and store rewards. Here are a couple of purchases I made recently. It takes some time and planning, but it is so nice to save a ton of money and at times have the store actually pay you money to shop with them :-)

The total price for the above items $16.27

Total for the above items $0.92!!!


SarahinOK said...

woot! woot! I love a good deal! I had a friend do that at CVS this weekend and came home with like 16 purex detergent 3-in-1 sheet boxes for less than $5! CRAZY!

Peter and Nancy said...

There's one store near us that does double coupon day, but it's a far enough drive from our house that I don't take advantage of it very often. Your buys inspire me, though!!

Fenwick 5 said...

Looks like a sweet deal:) Gidget