Tuesday, December 07, 2010


I had NO words after I watched this video. It touched SO many emotions within me and stirred my heart. When I watch videos like these I weep. I can't describe what happens in my heart and mind. It makes me want to scoop up ALL those children who are hurting, hungry, don't have somebody to love them and hold them and tell them that ARE important and loved beyond measure by the one who created them. When I showed this to my husband his words were "that video pierces your heart." Well said. I hope that this moves you and pierces your heart, too.

The video doesn't appear to be full screen on the blog. PLEASE go to YouTube and type in Eric Ludy- Depraved Indifference to see the video if it doesn't show up full screen for you....it is WELL worth your time!


Peter and Nancy said...

I just watched this video 2 days ago at another site -- it is truly incredible. I hope lots of churches use it to move people to care for children who have no one to watch over them.

I love your heart, April!

Unknown said...

Ill use this one too...