Monday, August 01, 2011

New blog -

My husband, a friend, and myself have started a blog to bring awareness to the extreme poverty that is in our world today.  In talking with people over the years it seems that when it comes to extreme poverty it is simply too overwhelming to deal with.  We seem to be so far removed from it.  When we do hear a news clip or a statistic I think it moves us, but perhaps only for that moment.  I have also noticed that many people are not aware of just how FAR the AMERICAN dollar will go in a poverty sticken country.  Did you know that there are millions of people living on just a $1.25 or less a day?  That dollar amount alone can help put things into perspective.

Our hope for this blog is to keep extreme poverty in the forefront of our minds and share ways that you may participate.  It both breaks my heart and angers me that MILLIONS of people are dying daily from PREVENTABLE diseases, malnutrition, and lack of food and water.  Extreme poverty is also a reason for the millions of orphans in the world, which are very dear to my heart!  We pray that God will use this blog for His glory and His people will be moved to action in whatever way God leads.

Please visit our blog at

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